There is actually some rational information on this subject as well. 

Figure 3.  For equipment with an ungrounded chassis, one can measure
the AC voltage from the chassis to safety ground.  When I first thought
about this, my impression was that reversing the mains plug would only
reverse the polarity of the AC error signal and not affect its
magnitude.  But apparently this relationship does not always hold with
real hardware.  The only reason I can think of for this is some kind of
asymmetrical load between positive and negative supplies of typical
hardware, giving a partial cancellation of the residual AC signal in
the "preferred" state.  Because the residual signal is from an
asymettry of the transformer, the "optimum" polarity will vary from
unit to unit.

Of course, audibility of this situation is debatable - yet I'm sure it
will be trotted out by the usual suspects for some time to come.

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