seanadams;213834 Wrote: 
> How exactly do you suggest we bet on something if you won't accept
> simple empirical evidence that you are wrong? Will the winner be
> whoever can yell I AM RIGHT the loudest? Or whoever can get the most
> friends to come post on this forum?
> No, I am not interested in a bet with you. But if you don't mind, I
> would like a dime bag of whatever you're smoking. 
> Cheers.


Okey, so a bet is not an option, as I understand from your quite rude
post. (Quite dishonest of you to imply that I am some kind of
drug-addict and not fit to use your product. But I'm obviously mentally
fit enough to buy the bl-dy box as long as I don't criticize it.)

Whatever, what I'm suggesting is nothing else but a scientific result.
As probably even you know; scientifical tests are repeatable and can be
duplicated in identical settings. 

Furthermore, a true scientist don't accept the absence of an occurence
as proof for its non-existence. I.e. it is not possible to say that
"You don't have brother since I've not seen him." or "God doesn't exist
since I've not seen Him." or "The squeezebox is without faults since
I've not encountered any."

I respect if you don't want to gamble about facts but I believe that
you are man enough to obey facts. Aren't you?

/Mats :-)

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