cliveb;214047 Wrote: 
> With all due respect, my understanding is that CD rot (of the PDO type)
> is completely different. The metallic layer under the lacquer gets
> attacked and slowly turns a "bronze" colour. This happens from the
> outside edge inwards. In extreme cases the metallised layer gets eaten
> away, but again this is from the outside edge inwards. I've never seen
> any reference to CD rot creating pinholes.

Well then you haven't looked... from the first page of googling for "cd

""; Wrote: 
> When the CD is held up to a strong light, light shines through several
> pin-prick sized holes. This is especially noticeable in older CDs that
> have a label of black text and a silver finish.

""; Wrote: 
> "I was kind of shocked to see a constellation of pinpricks, little
> points where the light was coming through the aluminum layer," he says.

""; Wrote: 
> My friend Dan (also quoted in the article) noted another form of CD
> deterioration, in which small pinprick holes appear inside the data
> region, rather than at the disc's edge. Inspecting my collection
> revealed several CDs with this problem, notably those on the Sire,
> Warner Bros., and Elektra labels.

It depends in general on the cause of the rot.  We'll assume that discs
are handled/stored well and just stick with manufacturing defects.  In
addition to the only admitted case of PDO, there are many other
examples of CDRot, which seem to be caused by improper lacquering of
the aluminum, or reactive inks in the label itself.

These can start from anywhere and I have seen discs like this myself. 
(I havent looked at my own discs closely in ages, so don't know if they
are rotting... I probably have some with pinholes... would be
statistically probable at this point.)

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