omega;215510 Wrote: 
> Quote:
> "Will you at least consider the _possibility_ that there's no problem
> with the output stage and that the effect you are hearing is
> perceptual?" 
> Yes and No...
> Yes, there could be a problem with the slimserversoftware or
> compatibility with our DACS or something else.
> No, I donĀ“t think the effect that we are hearing is perceptual,
> All people that have listen in my and hammers homes are convince that
> this is not a placebo thing. 

Good grief.  All the people are "convinced that this is not a placebo
thing" and that makes it NOT a placebo thing?  If you haven't tested
using blind or double-blind methods, thereby isolating knowledge of the
test condition from the test, the results simply cannot exclude the
placebo effect.

> Both me and Hammer have a very fine tunned system.
> If we remove all the "isolation transformers" and "power cleaners"
> external DAC etc
> we propably not going to hear any differance or have much more
> difficult to distinguish between "good" and "Bad" sound.

Hmmm. Allow me to recap what I've read:

You've _modified_ a Squeezebox such that you claim to hear a
difference, and then call it a "design miss" but go on to state that an
unmodified SB3 would probably not exhibit the problem.

You can't _measure_ any difference so far but still insist there is a

A bunch of people you asked to listen for a problem believe they heard
the problem.

You don't perform your listening tests in a way that would exclude
awareness of the test condition.

But there's *no* chance that this is a perceptual problem... it simply
has to exist because you heard it.

Okey dokey.  

I'm done... I've finally crossed the bridge.

-=> Jim

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