"You've _modified_ a Squeezebox such that you claim to hear a
difference, and then call it a "design miss" but go on to state that an
unmodified SB3 would probably not exhibit the problem."

The only Modifications that i have to my Squeezebox is:

1. A Custom Linear powersupply. (Hammer is still running on the
2. A Digital isolation transformer on the Coaxial Digital output on the
SB3. (Both me and Hammer have this Modification)

When i discovered the problem or "effect" my SB3 was i original state..
Only the Custom Linear powersupply.
I still hear the same effect through the unmodified Optical output on
the SB3...

I only tried the "digital isolation transformer" Modification to se if
that fixed the problem...
I was "satisfied" with the optical output in the firstplace.

When i talked about remove the "isolation transformers" & "power
cleaners" i ment the AC current 220V/50 HZ feeding my whole Stereo.
Not removing the Digital isolation transformer inside the SB3.
I still hear the same effect through the unmodified Optical output on
the SB3...

And is a External DAC a Modification ?

Yes i think i propably not going to hear any differance or have much
more difficult to distinguish between "good" and "Bad" sound.
Running through the analog outputs on the SB3 and removing the
"isolation transformers" & "power cleaners" (AC current 220V/50 HZ)

And if i remove my Elac CL 4Pi Plus (A universally applicable
omnidirectional tweeter) "Then my problems will ge gone".

I just tried to get a point in the previous post.
Not all people is running with an External DAC etc and probably and not
hearing this effect.

Or as you wrote in the previous post:
"My system isn't very high-end at all, so it could possibly have been
masked in the "digital out-->analog conversion-->speakers-->room
effects" chain but I doubt that. "

Good grief. All the people are "convinced that this is not a placebo
thing" and that makes it NOT a placebo thing? If you haven't tested
using blind or double-blind methods, thereby isolating knowledge of the
test condition from the test, the results simply cannot exclude the
placebo effect.

My girfriend did a blindtest on me, i know this doesn´t prof a thing...
It have to be "blind/double-blind"
But you asked me to consider the possibility that the effect we are
hearing is perceptual?

I still believe "Sigmund Freud" has nothing to do with this...

"You can't measure any difference so far but still insist there is a

Hammer and i Will try more measure later...

I know this arguing is not leading anywhere, it´s just makes all of us
involved angry,
I really don´t want to fight.
You guys at logitech have your belief, Me and Hammer & Co have ours.

Anyone reading this thread and having the "know-how" and proper tools,
and the time, please help us.

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)

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