Pat Farrell;216147 Wrote: 
> thomsens wrote:
> > To suggest based on a limited sample of this forum combined with
> your
> > opinion that a feature is not required is silly. 
> This forum is where customers who have bought SqueezeBoxes and 
> Transporters talk among themselves. The forums in total are for people
> interested in SD/Logitech audio products.
> There is no overwhelming demand for this feature in the forums.
> I have not said that you are silly, or your request is silly.
> I know you want it. But there is no groundswell of support for it.
> >  Instant access to all my music and other media
> > files increases the need for the feature for me.
> CD players had 'index' support from the start. The idea was the 
> movements or breaks to the chorus, or other musically significant parts
> could be indexed, so you could instantly go to them, forward or 
> backwards. When CDs came out, reviewers noted with players did this 
> properly. It was an expected feature. But hardly anyone used it, and
> few CDs carried index markers in their meta data, so over time the 
> feature disappeared.
> Much like "pre-emphasis" in the audio tracks.
> >> What Sean said was that it is not easy. He decided not to do it.
> >> What changes because you want it anyway?
> > 
> > Great point.  What changes is where I spend my $$ over time if the
> > product does not continue to evolve (so far $2600 spent with SD). 
> I'm
> > sure given the choice, Sean would rather have me buy the T2 when my
> T1
> > dies.  For that matter, I'm sure he's just hoping for the ability to
> > build a T2 one day.  Clearly without the base of users to support
> it,
> > that will never happen.  So, the average joe will need to start
> buying
> > this thing and regardless of your or my opinion, the average joe
> will
> > definitely expect this feature in a usable format.
> I was with you up until the last sentence. It depends on your intended
> use of the word average.
> Given the sample of the folks posting to the forums, if you select a 
> customer at random, they won't notice this missing feature. If you 
> select a random sample of users, you would expect that the majority of
> folks selected don't care.
> If lots of Joe Customers bought SB's or Transporters, and returned them
> because this feature was missing, I am sure Sean and others would 
> notice. If the "average" meaning more than half, so that most of the 
> units were returned, I am sure Sean and others would find a way to fix
> it no matter how hard it is.
> Never say never, but when evaluating what features and functions to put
> in the next unit, a smart company has to listen to what the majority of
> its customers want. Or, if they can know, what features kept a large 
> portion of the potential customers from purchasing the unit.
> Sony had better music players than the iPod in many dimensions many 
> years before the iPod. Sony screwed up the interface with fascist DRM 
> that made it unusable for mere mortals. Now, no one remember Sony was 
> there in 1999 and 2000.
> I have no inside knowledge, but I bet if the SqueezeBox had exactly 
> today's feature set, cost $200 and had a strong national marketing 
> campaign, Logitech could sell four to ten times as many. There are 
> people who want FF/RW, and would be happier, buy more, tell more 
> friends, etc. but I don't think it would increase sales by more than
> 10%.
> IMHO, YMMV, etc.
> -- 
> Pat

We're just going to have to agree to disagree.  My goal is simply to
improve a feature that needs to be improved.  I don't believe the need
is lost on Sean - he's just in a tough spot because as he said, the
path between here and there isn't easy.

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