all the times I've heard tact seems to take
something away from the music...make it sound sterile. 

I suggested a cheap and easy way you could see if you could get more
out of your speakers ...have you tried that yet ?

just moving the speaker position by a few inches can offten yeild great

if you sit facing your speakers  so that you form the point of an
equilateral triangle ...

imagine a mirror on the floor in a position where you can see the
treble panel of the speakers ....from your seated central position.

the position of the mirror will bve the point of first reflection
....these are really very bad  as it creates sound at 180 deg to the
phase of the dirrect path sound.  These first reflection off the floor
walls and ceiling must be attenuated/dispersed for you to get the best
from the system...  on the floor its a question of placing a rug  or
coffee table to help break up the reflections .....

once you have tried this go on to toe in the the speakers [or out] and
also alter the vertical angle of the panels....I much prefer a panel
speaker to point at me rather than be titlted as the treble is much
better defined.

try these no cost tips ...if they have no effect you can then try some
of the more costly suggestions !


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables
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