I'd go further and say this program is of extremely limited practical
usefulness, at least with external recordings (ie not made by itself).
And I'll only give it that qualification rather than a full NFG because
I haven't tried that.

I recorded the output of the SqueezeBox 1 for 30s using Sound devices
702, then pressed red power off button and then play and play again to
start track again. All the while recording the analogue out.

Split resulting recording into first section and the second - no
questions, no pack drill, these *are* the same thing.

Stick this into audiodiffmaker. Result, perfectly audible if bassy
track, a short-lived null at about 18s followed by perfectly audible
track. Okay, perhaps Sound Devices clock is not stable enough. If that
isn't, you average sound card isn't either...

So I record simultaneously L of SB1 with the left of the same box but
through the Arcam Black Box external DAC. One wired to the L channel of
the SD702 and the other to the R channel. Now the clock must be
synchronous either side, subject to the small latency spread (about 14
samples @ 44k1). Neither piece of kit is modded in any way.

Resultant diff signal is about 30dB down with bass peaking at -15dB.
Even I don't expect there to be so much difference between the two. I
check for channels switched by repeating with the channels switched -
this time diff signal sounds like classic stereo differencing and
residual averages higher. OK so I probably got the channels right.

For a final sanity check I take a phono y splitter and feed the same
signal to both L and R of the recorder, via the selfsame cables. Now
we're talking - residual down to -90, some peaking on LF to about -80.
So at least satisfactory operation can be achieved if the recordings
are not separated in time greatly

So the Audio Critic guy is probably wrong in this case. Writing off the
time-separated recordings as beyond the capability of the program, the
simultaneous recording of the Squeezebox1 LH and the same feeding the
Arcam BB1 LH show a difference. Audiodifference as recommended by Audio
Critic to prove the converse indicates there is  a significant
difference at about -30dBFS. As a final sanity check I sent a 440Hz +
1kHz signal peaking at -3dBFS through both bits of kit to see if there
was significant clipping or anything else obviously wrong, and both
came through OK, though the spectrum of residual spurs were different.

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