Veggen;223180 Wrote: 
> Exactly, but the Pace-Car does not. 
> Empirical audio clearly demonstrates a lack of knowledge of the SB
> which does not give me much confidence in their product.

Please do your homework people! The current PaceCar reclocker can be
configured to support the following frequencies:

16-bit/44.1 kHz 
24-bit/96 kHz 
24-bit/192 kHz 

Note that 24-bit/48 kHz is not included in this list. Hence the
statement about the 16-bit/44.1 kHz limitation of the SB3. And also, if
you ask the owner of Empirical Audio nicely he might even oblige and
provide you a 24-bit/48 kHz version of the PaceCar.

Statements like the one quoted above does not contribute anything other
than showing ignorance. The owner of Empirical Audio knows more about
clocking of DAC's and digital sources than most people and has a real
passion for the subject.

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