It is probably safe to say the modwright TP will sound different because
it uses tubes.
whether or not it sounds better is a matter of preference . If you
prefer tubes you might think it is better , if you prefer SS you might
not like the mods.

As one poster pointed out, why not try a tube premp. One could also try
a tube buffer like the Musical Fidelity for much less money.

I am not knocking modwriht, they have an excellent rep and design their
own, well regarded tube gear.

Harmonic, you should learn Spanish before you go off half cocked and
embarass yourself again.

Ilusion means "hope" as well as illusion.
The saying  could describe the audiophile condition. As soon as we hear
one improvement we want to hear another and we "hope" to acieve that one
way or the other.
The ilusion side would be our ability to fool ourselves into thinking a
difference exists when ,in fact, it might not.

I can overlook your mispelling because english is not your 1st language
and it is easy to mispell in english even when it is your first language

I find it harder to overlook your inability to form a coherent thought
and your subsequent lapse into name calling.

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