tomjtx;224327 Wrote: 
> The title of this thread says it all:
> threads "deteriorating" into debate.
> Why, pray tell, is debate a deterioration?
> Couldn't debate  lead to a growth in knowledge.
> Knowledge of, at least, differing opinions if nothing else.
> Maybe the OP should have conversations only with himself and thus avoid
> ever having to debate.
> Wouldn't that be an elegant solution?
> This is, of course, open to debate.

A debate, IMHO, is a deterioration when (1) the replies begin to border
on ad hominem attacks and/or (2) go off on an argumentative tangent that
has nothing to do with the original post.  In neither case is that
especially helpful or enlightening.

In example 1, the post "Looking for Power Cord Recommendations"  would
get the reply:

"Save your money.  "Audiophile" power cords are just marketing hype for
fools with more money than sense.  Honestly, I don't see why so many
people fall for this snake oil BS."

In example 2, the reply would go something like:
"At the point of origin from the power plant, AC is stepped down in
voltage by x %;  once it reaches your transformer, further stepdown
takes place, at which point..."  Some smart alec sees that there was a
slight error in the data provided by this poster, and promptly offers
this point of clarifcation: "Actually, the voltage is stepped down by Y
%, not x %." The next five replies are a debate over the correct
percentage of voltage drop.

So what's wrong with that?  

First, I have not yet received a meaningful answer to my question.  I
really don't care what someone thinks of people who spend money on
aftermarket power cords.  And I don't care about how the power got from
the plant to my amp.  I just want to hear some specific recommendations
from folks who have used said products in their systems.  

Second, unless the reply is based on some level of first-hand
experience with the topic at hand, it's little more than  conjecture
(example 1); or just plain noise (example 2).


Two-channel System:
SB3 -> Behringer SRC2496 -> Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cartridge -> Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.
Videodrome's Profile:
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