Videodrome;224005 Wrote: 
> I am, admittedly, pretty new around here.  So if you like, you can take
> what I'm about to say with a grain of salt ...
> What is it about audiophiles and/or some of the folks on this forum
> that seem to turn every thread into a debate or a tangential rant where
> people invariably pit their audio knowledge or the veracity of their
> claims against someone elses?  
> Example: Someone posts a thread asking for cable recommendations, and
> before it's reached a page in length, the whole premise of the question
> is attacked.  Counter arguments emerge.  By page 2, the thread is now a
> discussion on the science of human hearing.  By page 3, tempers begin
> to flare; now we're on to the hackneyed double blind test arguments. 
> By page 4, you can no longer tell what the orignal thread was about,
> and by the time it's run its course, the poor sap never got a decent
> answer to his question.
> I've gone down this slippery slope myself, so I'm as guilty as the
> rest, but is this really what we want when we post here?  Please don't
> get me wrong, I'm all for a Socratic debate now and then -- and you can
> learn a lot by reading SOME of the exchanges -- but there are times I
> find myself refraining from sharing my opinion on audio matters because
> I've grown bored with constantly having to turn around and defend it.
> Just my $.02 for the day.

We've all got different opinions and that is exactly why these forums
exist and indeed thrive!

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