Thanks for everyone's help. To answer a few of your questions:

As yet I don’t own a Squeezebox.

The Stello doesn’t have a volume control so this would be handled by
the amp.
Not that I’m quite understanding the disadvantage of this!

Muski - I do already own an Airport Express which is used for a laptop
but as the G5 computer would be sitting very close to the DAC/Amp.
Wouldn’t a USB cable or Optical cable from the computer be the best
option? The fewer paths the better? The G5 has a full sized optical
out, whereas the Airport Express uses the mini version.

The Transporter is something I have considered. I wish I could hear the
difference between this and the Stello but I think this is going to be
very difficult here in the UK. I’ve also searched the web to see if
anyone else has compared the 2 but without any luck. I figured the
Stello would be more flexible without compromising the sound. I’ve not
heard the Stello either but reports are very good.

Eric 2
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