servies wrote:
> Robin Bowes;234428 Wrote: 
>> Unless you're not measuring the right thing.
>> I have two cables. They both measure exactly the same (90 cm), yet one
>> clearly sounds different than the other.
>> R.
> Apparently you have such excellent hearing that you can hear the
> difference between a cable with a length of 90.0000001 cm and a cable
> with a length of 90.0000002 cm, you must be a true 'audiophile'
> then...
> Yawn...

What I didn't tell you was that one cable was 30SWG zip cord and the
other was one of Belden's finest.

In actual fact, I made it all up. I was being facetious, to reinforce my
point that one has to measure the right things to be able to say that
two cables that measure the same will sound the same.

Do you get it now?


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