Recently had one of my SB3s upgraded (basic digital only) by Bolder 
Cables so thought I'd share my experience. Rest of system is SB3
digital output to Lyngdorf DAC (part of TDA2200 amp) into Martin Logan
Prodigies. I'm UK based.

First off, and as I commented to the very helpful Wayne at Bolder, I
struggled to hear any difference at all. But three weeks later . . . .

Perhaps it's the modified SB3 having "broken in" or it's my ears
getting to know what to listen to, but over the past couple of nights I
managed to stop trying to hear differences and just listened to the
music. There are differences, subtle, but significant;

1) Detail retieval
It's better, especially at low and mid frequencies. Bass extension
remains the same as far as I can tell but more definition has been
given to instruments like the acoustic double bass and kick drum - try
Patricia Barber's "Verse". It's now easier to hear the ambience of the
recording venue - I swear I can now hear ceiling reflections that I
didn't before for example. Listening to "10 New Songs" from Leonard
Cohen demonstrated that there is more "character" to the 70 something's
voice whereas before it was almost like listening to an acoustically
airbrushed vocal. On this record there are some very close harmonies
from partners and backing singers which are now easier to follow.

2) Soundstage
Might be a tad deeper but hard to say. It's certainly wider - the fill
between speakers is better and there is less tendency for the image to
be pulled to the moving coil base sections. Stage width now more often
extends beyond the outer edge of the speakers.

3) Imaging
One of the most noticeable changes. Best way I can describe it is that
it has become a little more 3D. Before there was definitely substantial
stage depth and good positioning, but often it sounded like 2
dimensional cardboard cutouts of performers had been placed in relation
to each other. You could tell who was behind who but there was
relatively little depth to each individual performer. That's now
changed and you can almost sense the physical depth of instrument
bodies or vocalists.

Bottom line is that the whole setup has become even easier to listen
to. The differences aren't night and day, and don't show up that well
on A/B comparison, but just relax and you'll soon hear the difference.

So thanks Wayne - now back to the music . . . .

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