opaqueice wrote:
> Robin Bowes;238491 Wrote: 
>> I sometimes wish those of you who are so quick to jump down peoples'
>> throats would take a chill pill and consider that maybe, just maybe
>> there may be some truth in these reports.
> No one doubts the reports have some truth to them - in fact I'm sure
> they are absolutely correct.
> The question is whether the change is in the sound waves emanating from
> the speakers or is confined to the space between the listener's ears.  

No, it's not; that's *your* question.

> I really don't understand why that second possibility is regarded with
> such horror by audiophiles, why so many are so certain it can't be, and
> therefore that their findings must apply to everyone else. (The OP of
> this thread was very reasonable and didn't fall into that trap.)

And conversely, I don't understand why you insist on pushing your "all
digital sources are same" down everybody's throats.

They're not. And the differences are not always noticeable in short-term
 comparison testing.

I really don't understand you regard this possibility with such horror.


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