With all kidding aside, what has changed to make it appear the music is
flat and lifeless? What I am basically asking is what did you change
and now the music is flat? Is this a completely new setup? Did you just
change one piece? Did you go directly from CD to Transporter? What
speaker cables and interconnects are you using? I do not know that much
about the Solo, how is the Transporter feeding it (does it have both
analog and digital inputs)?  Basically we need to know everything to
even start making common sense suggestions. What is the source for the
Transporter i.e. MP3, FLAC, Internet Radio? All these are going to
sound different due to the differing levels of source fidelity. 

So start at the beginning and tell us what you were listening to before
the Transporter.

Tell us everything you changed when you started listening to the

List everything that is in the current system right down to all

Tell us which output you use on the Transporter i.e. analog (RCA or
XLR) or digital (Toslink, BNC, or Coaxal). 

Tell us what type files the Transporter is transcoding (playing as a
source MP3, FLAC, WMA, etc).

The others are correct that the Transporter is a great starting point
and one of the better pieces of equipment in most systems. It will most
certainly show out right flaws in ones overall system, but I do not
think that is the case here. It will more likely shed some light on
weakness in a specific piece of equipment, cable, or interconnect. As
an example, an interconnect that helped balance the bright sound of a
CDP by being dry would now most likely make the Transporter seem

Sound is subjective. And the amount of subjectiveness is directly
proportional to what one thinks they are looking for from reproduced
music. It is hardest of the audiophile that is trying to reproduce
music in its purest form without coloration because that may go
directly against what his ears prefer as good music. My friend feels
that my system is a little light on the top because he prefers music
that is over equalized and bright in your face on top (plus his
speakers have both ribbin and dome tweeters as well as a rear firing
dome). I have a very fast and bright pair of interconnects that I use
to by-pass my VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-amp when he comes over so that
he gets the input from my Signal Processors Pre-amp into the MX-R Ayre
mains. It is the sound he prefers were as it is no longer musical to
me. I am not an all tube guy. I am in the middle preferring a tube
pre-amp mated to a SS amp.

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