Quick question:

Is there anyone anywhere near the Manchester/Stockport area of England
with a *good* low-noise PSU that would be willing to bring it to my
home so I can hear any difference? I'm thinking of at least a Welborne
or something that is dedicated for the Squeezebox. I'd be willing to
provide transportation.


I recently upgraded my hi-fi. In the shop (www.theaudioworks.co.uk) I
heard a Creek Classic CD Player, Sugden A21 Mark II Amp and Focal 826v
speakers. They sounded wonderful - very musical, a great soundstage and
beautiful tonality. They had the CDP + Amp plugged into their
cryo/screened/dampened mains block (£500) and similar IEC cables (£200
each). I nearly choked when I heard the price but they insisted that
unless you sort out electrical noise, you're never going to get real
music. They plugged regular IECs into the mains and the sound was
instantly harsh and flat - utterly uninvolving. I was instantly
convinced of the value of sorting out your electrics. I ended up buying
a cheaper solution, as I didn't have that much money.

I bought the Amp + Speakers and took them home (the speakers having
been run in). I plugged my Squeezebox in and the sound was
disappointing. It was hard work listening to it and there was no
involvement. Guitars sounded out of tune. The Amp and the speakers were
doing their part, but the Squeezebox was clearly the weak link. The shop
brought round the Creek CDP and all the music came back - it sounded
great. Apart from when I plugged the Squeezebox power supply in - then
the sound from the Creek lost a lot of tonality. They also brought the
good powerblock + cables. This improved the sound when listening to the
Creek, but virtualy nothing when listening to the Squeezebox. If I'm
going to try to improve the sound of the Squeezebox, the PSU noise
definitely needs sorting out.

I have tried two other PSUs. First the PW00187 part from
http://cpc.farnell.com/ and secondly, a lower noise unit (173-1604 from
www.rswww.com) and got an electrician to attach the original Squeezebox
DC cable and an IEC inlet. I attached a screened IEC. Neither or these
made any real improvement.

So I'm facing a dilemma: I either buy the Creek and play CDs when I
want great sound and put up with the Squeezebox at other times, or try
to sort out the Squeezebox so it's at least as good as the Creek. The
hi-fi shop reckon the Squeezebox will never sound as musical as a good
CD player and that electrical noise will always be an obstacle.

I clearly need to sort out the power supply. However, I can't risk
spending money on sorting out the Squeezebox and find it still fails to
engage me.

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