selfdivider;257005 Wrote: 
> Thanks for all the replies! I got the Squeezebox originally b/c I didn't
> want to hook up a PC to my system, but still wanted to port my music
> which are in my hard drive. It was an impulse purchase; had I known
> that I'd be ending up spending this kind of money, I would have gone
> for the Transporter, no doubt, to match the sound quality of the rest
> of the components.
> Phil: I think you make a great deal of sense. Rather than spending $3K
> on a CD player, maybe I should build myself a server? But doesn't a
> good CD player still beat the sound quality of FLAC or some other
> lossless from the media server hooked to the system? That's probably
> the only reason why I'm opting for the CD player. Sound quality is what
> matters for me, and if the SQ doesn't suffer, I'd gladly build a media
> server for myself!
> So, I guess the question is: Transporter vs. media server hooked
> directly to the amp via an upgraded soundcard.... any
> opinions/recommendations?

Even the big reviewers are accepting that digital bits read by a hard
drive are transported with less jitter than with any stand alone cd
transport, the rest is done by the dac.  The Transporter syncs the
digital data sent by the server with a very precise world clock and of
course, consequently gets converted with its superb dac. Most USB dacs
or SB3 combos fail to approach the level of clock sync (reduced jitter)
of the Transporter. This is translated in greater resolution, better
detail rendering and what is more important for me, the extreme
lowering of the sound floor.

The Rega Saturn I had is regarded as one of the best cd players out
there, stereophile class A, and all british reviewers praise it. All I
can tell you is that the Transporter satisfies me more. It made me
believe in the future of digital music, after all it makes a lot of
sense, it was about time. When I need to have physical contact with the
recorded medium, nothing satisfies me more than vinyl, sadly, its sound
is also still unreached by digital, but the transporter gets closer....


Reference 3A Royal Master monitors biwired with van den Hul Inspiration
cables, REL Strata 5 sub. AMP: Pathos Classic One MKIII. ANALOGUE:
Michell Gyro SE, Technoarm & Lyra Helikon SL cartridge, ASR Mini Basis
SQ phono preamp, link: WireWorld Silver Eclipse 5.2. DIGITAL: MacMini,
SlimDevices Transporter, link: van den Hul The Second XLR’s. POWER:
Isotek Mini-sub GII, Isotek Elite cables (Mini-Sub, Rel) Siltech SPX-30
(Transporter) van den Hul Mainstream (Pathos) & van den Hul Mainserver
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