harmonic wrote:
> Enyone that spends there time posting and reading on  hifi forums  are
> more or less infected with audiophila.
> Some beleive in cables,mods,tweaks,or Linn   and  some only beleive in
> adam slim and that enything else is a wast of time.

The thing is, *some* of this stuff is not just a matter of belief, it's 
just not possible. The changes made simply can not have any effect on 
the sound.

A question: if I send you two copies of the same CD, one in a blue 
envelope and the other in a yellow padded envelope, which one will sound 

The answer is, of course, that as long as the CD makes it to you through 
the postal system undamaged they will both sound identical.

This is analogical to using fancy ethernet cable - it can not and does 
not have any effect on the sound. As long as the bits get through, all 
ethernet cables will sound identical.

> But  all  still audiophils none the less.
> The irony is many on this forum uses the word audiophil as a bad thing.

In my world, audiophile *is* a bad thing. I prefer the term "audio 


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