Back in the old days we would flavor our recordings with tone controls. 
Nowadays we do it with amps, cables and modifications.  

What I and others have said about the Modwright Transporter should not
be taken as "the stock one sucks" but instead "the Transporter is such
a great device and proves that Slim Devices/Logitech is wayyyy ahead of
the competition."  I'd never attempt to throw sand, glass and money at a
Sonos or Klimax system in an effort to create a different sounding

The Modwright Transporter, in my well-treated room, with my fairly high
resolution system, to my ears, is significantly more musical, revealing
and enjoyable than the stock Transporter I owned for some time.  My
comments can be seen in the 6Moons review, but simply enough: it's
clearly a synergy thing.  If you believe your stock Transporter's
unique sound combines well with the rest of your system, then so be it.
Don't make a change.  Just go buy more cd's and rip them.  In my
system, the Modwright version was much more organic sounding, yet even
more dynamic (huge power supply probably helps here a LOT) had a much
larger truer soundstage, and the air around each instrument was
noticeably better and clearer.  I won't attribute all of this to Dan's
Transporter mods.  Some of it is magic...the magic of those tumblers
falling into place...not too sweet, not too sour.  My Tesla cables, my
Soundstring cables, my Modwright preamp, the tubes I've chosen, the
McCormack DNA-500 amp, the room treatments (large use of Realtrap bass
traps, first reflection RFZ's and diffusors) all enter into this
recipe.  But the stock Transporter, in my system, was too analytical
and cold for my tastes, and would not have allowed me to make the
flavor changes required...IMHO.

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