rhizomaticon wrote:
> The important thing to remember about SACD is that it is not a PCM
> format like CD or DVD-A or MP3 but completely different.
>   SACD's approach is called Direct Stream Digital (DSD),
> which samples 1 bit at 2.8 MHz, allowing a far greater approximation of
> an analogue waveform which one could conceptualize as a 0 bit with an
> infinite sample rate (?).  At least that's how I understand it so it
> may very well be wrong.  

You are wrong. DSD is only slightly different than PCM, it too samples 
the waveform, it just does one bit samples at a higher rate.

your 2.something mHz rate is not much different than 24 bit PCM at 96kHz

the arithmetic is simple, 24 * 96,000 == 2304000
or with commas 2,304,000

Sony did nothing outside of what Shannon and Nyquist predicted.

Pat Farrell

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