agentsmith;291339 Wrote: 
> 1. Is this an effective way? 
> 2. Will it hurt my equipment?
> 3. What volume should I feed it, if I crank it to max volume will it
> burn out the amp? Or will it cause a fire hazard?
> 4. How long can I do it continuously without hurting the amp?
> This seems like an attrative way to do it as it means stressing the amp
> without waking up the neighbour and the wife.

Patience is the road to audio nirvana. Never connect anything but a
proper speaker system to your Amp! Can other test equipment be
connected, yes, in a lab or repair center. Answers to your questions:

1. No
2. Probably (and maybe burn down your home)
3. Do not even try this
4. Again, do not attempt

Your Nice equipment was probably already burnt-in and tested at the
factory. Additionally, you leave your equipment on as I do. The amp
needs turned on for about 2 hours to be in the so-called sweet spot.
All you need to do after that is enjoy the music. Cranking up the
volume to max under a load does nothing but make heat and a possible
fire/shorted amp in the case of 20W 8ohm resisters (and all for

After being on for a week and playing 20 or 30 albums at normal volume,
the Naim will be all settled in. Modern IC electronics need little more
then to be warmed up to their operating temperature to be in the Zone.
My amps do not have an Off switch and since I listen to over 10 hours
of music a day, I never shut my tube pre-amp off.

Lastly, there are all kinds of opinions on the subject of Burn-In. In
my opinion only speakers need anything more then 10 hours to be at
factory reference levels.




Media Room:
Transporter, Vandersteen Quatro Signature, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks, VTL
TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, VCC-5 Reference Center Channel, four VSM-1
Signatures, Runco 710, RAM Oppo DV970HD, VeraStarr 6.4SE  

Living Room:
SqueezeBox Duet, Vandersteen Model 3A Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2,
Two VSM-1, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold 

Squeezebox 3, Thiel 2.3, NAD C370
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