duke43j;293585 Wrote: 
> Hi Dave. Have you compared the Krell to the MC402 yet? When I bought my
> amp the KAV-2250 was on my short list. I chose the Classe’ CA-2100
> because I thought it had a smoother sound with my Thiel speakers. I
> never got to listen to a McIntosh. 
> It’s interesting that you like the Apollo better than the TP. I was
> hoping that there was a reasonably priced DAC out there that would be
> at least as good as the Apollo. I, too, love the convenience of the
> Squeezebox, but I don’t enjoy the sound as much as I do from the
> Apollo. My goal is to get the same (or better) sound from a
> Squeezebox/DAC and then sell the Apollo. From what I've experienced
> (see above), almost any DVD/CD player paired with a good DAC will
> produce a very good sound.
> Regards, Bob

Bob, I haven't compared yet.  I heard a high-end Mc system in the store
on Focals and it sounded great.  The Krell has a different "house"
sound.  I originally bought the Krell due to space considerations and
didn't think the sound of the Mc integrateds was all that good.  The
Krell made about 20% of my music sound out of this world - I mean just
delightful.  The other 80% I had varying degrees of success.  Anything
with compression or boosted highs - wow - the Krell let you know it and
not in a good way.  I concluded one needs $5k or greater in the source
before the Krell going to sound good over a large range of recordings. 
Basically  you need a source that's true to good recordings and fixes or
at least smooths over the bad ones.  The TP doesn't fit the bill for
that purpose.  

After I bought the MF, it made most of my recordings sound good but I
lost that steller 20% and missed it.  I don't care about coloration as
long as it sounds sweet and musical hence my choice to move to the Mc. 
Further I'm going to try to TP straight into the amp bi-passing a pre. 
I think you're going to be feeling the pain with Theil's just as I
do/did with my Aerials.  Both are what I would call detailed speakers. 
I've heard Theils sound good with tubes and smooth sources but suffered
in the same way as the Krell caused when they've been connected
staright to an accurate source.  I think you made the right choice with
Classe' for your current setup.  

But, yeah, any digital input to a good DAC would be ok IMO.  The DAC is
where the rubber meets the road.  It's going to come down to the DAC. 
I'm trying to avoid an outboard DAC but the next one I would try would
be a MF Tri-vista dac.  Got to have something to massage the highs!

regards, David

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