tomjtx wrote:
> bigfool1956;293926 Wrote: 
>> Well not my review, but I was interested in the comments.
> The conclusions are flawed if the comparison was not done with level
> matched sources. and not just level matched "by ear"
> There is no escaping that.
> DBT is somewhat of another matter.
> However one can't rule out expectation bias in a sighted test, period.
> Short term testing does have it's own pitfalls and long term listening
> is preferable.
> Long term sighted comparo's followed by some blind testing which
> corroborates the sighted testing would be the most convincing .
> These blanket assertions of superiority of one source over another w/o
> some rigorous testing are quite invalid and boring.

I agree.

Mainly because the language used is inevitably some thing like "X blows 
Y away", or similar. For example, in this case:

"Audio Quality is stunning, and blows away the TP in all aspects in my

Now, it may well be that the source in question is very good; I don't 
know, I've not heard it. But, we're talking about a digital source here. 
There's no way on earth that *any* digital source can "blow away" 
another. Just like the Transporter doesn't "blow away" the SB3; sure 
it's better sounding, if you have a sufficiently high-calibre system 
that can resolve the differences, but it's not "night and day". Hell, 
I've got a v.old CD player (Marantz CD50SE - about 20 years old!) and 
yeah, both the SB3 and Transporter sound better, but the difference is 
not massive.


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