iPhone;295127 Wrote: 
> It is 15x2 watts just as the other Sonic Impacts were. 

I read somewhere that they did make some changes to the output
characteristics with the Gen 2, I think there was a bass rolloff on the
original which was fixed? Something like that. Anyway, I had both and
the gen 2 certainly sounds a lot better to me, and louder.

A little googling found this (from

> The 2nd Gen is not a bass lightweight like the 1st Gen. In fact it has
> noticeably more power through the lower registers than my JVC Hybrid
> Feedback amp I have been using, which was significantly more powerful
> than the 1st Gen I had been using before it burnt out. It also seems
> somewhat more powerful, even though JVC rated their amp at 30wpc into
> 4ohm. Using Live Free or Die Hard DVD as a reference, the JVC, at
> maximum volume, provided what I would call reference level in my small
> space, theater level sound, distortion free, through explosions and
> whatnot. Using the 2nd Gen under the same conditions was louder,
> basically too loud to handle for any real period of time, even though
> it proved to be noticeably more clear and legible (more easily making
> out dialog against noise, including on example where I had not ever
> been able to make out a certain phrase at all using the JVC on speakers
> or my Grado SR-80 headphones).
> Since I haven't heard a 1st Gen in a very long time, I'm going to
> assume that my recollection of exactly how it sounded is worthless.
> Besides, I'm not using the same speakers as back then. In fact, I'm not
> using my speakers at all at the moment . . . they're "in the shop". I'm
> listening over a pair of Pioneer A11 BiBs, and I can only compare
> directly between the 2nd Gen and the JVC. There was an immediate and
> surprising improvement between the JVC and the 2nd Gen. Not only was
> the bass of similar liveliness and weight and somewhat tighter detail,
> but there were greater improvements upward in frequency. Clarity,
> detail, soundstage . . . everything is better. So, my guess, just
> thinking technically, the 2nd Gen is likely a slight upgrade, enough to
> overcome the 100Hz rolloff of the 1st Gen, with likely similar, slight
> improvements all around. I'm also guessing that alot of improvement
> gained in my circumstance comes from the included power supply. Its
> quite a bit beefier than the one I had for my old 1st Gen, and a much
> better match.

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