mmg_fan wrote:
> Using a 'cheater' resolves the issue but I assume that is not
> recommended.

Smart call. Cheaters are very much not recommended, and in some places 
violate the electrical code, which is illegal.

> Any recommednations?

I assume you've done the obvious stuff like
plugging all of the electronics into a single electrical outlet.

You should do a bit of problem isolation. for example: unplug everything.
Plug in just the amp/preamp and transporter. listen. Got loop? Bad, but 
you know its in those three. No loop? good, add something else, when 
loop shows up, you know the bad guy.

Can you run balanced?

The pro-audio world has isolation transformers, not cheap for ones with 
any prayer of being linear in 20-20kHz

Pat Farrell

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