Anne wrote:
> What makes a cable "digital" ?

All cable sends a voltage down the wire.

A digital signal is sent as a voltage down the wire that is interpreted 
as a trigger function, say when the voltage goes from 0.4 volts to over 
0.6 volts. What the voltage was before it got up to 0.4 volts, and what 
it does after it triggers the detector is essentially ignored.

An analog signal is sent as a modulated voltage, with say 20-20kHz 
signal represented as voltage that goes from plus or minus 2.0 volts, 
the signal varies with the audio signal, it is the audio signal.

Cables do have a real frequency limit. You should not try to send a HDTV 
signal down a cable designed for audio.

All cables are analog.

Pat Farrell

audiophiles mailing list

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