I've listened and I'm afraid your samples just prove the previous point
that the artefacts are swamped by the noise floor of a typical
non-audiophile sound system. Yes I can hear the artefacts very clearly
when I turn up my amp way beyond where I would normally listen. But at
normal listening levels I can't hear the -75dB track at all above the
normal noise from my amp and I can barely hear the -45dB track let
alone the artefacts.

Most of my music is in MP3 ~200kbps VBR at the moment and I have never
heard these artefacts in normal listening. They are quite distinctive
when you can hear them, but I never have heard them.

I'm guessing that if you listened to a lot of classical music with very
quiet but not silent sections then you would have more chance of hearing
it in real life, but you'd have to have a much quieter amp than mine for
it to be noticable.

The bug should obviously be fixed, but it is unlikely that many people
are actually suffering because of it.

I'm moving to FLAC now anyway, I don't really see a good reason for
sticking with MP3 nowadays (though I still have to generate MP3s for my

I now SC has all sorts of transcoding options, though typically to
transcode to MP3. Is it possible to get it to transcode from MP3 to
FLAC ? At least then those few people who are really affected (MP3
users, with very good amps and music with quiet passages) could have an
easy work-around without having to convert all their MP3s.


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?
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