opaqueice;331736 Wrote: 
> Hmm.  You might want to try out a more "hi-tech" dac and see if it
> helps.
> Really?  Why do you say so?  My impression was the opposite, but then
> the only hard data I've seen is supplied by the manufacturers, a few
> not very reliable reviewers, and some (possibly disgruntled) forum
> posters.  Still, one was pretty convincing - he took apart a Lavry,
> disconnected the part of the circuit that was supposed to do the fancy
> reclocking, and the thing worked just as before (i.e. that part was
> apparently never functioning).
> If your dac doesn't accept an I2S input you may still end up with a
> significant level of jitter at the DAC inputs just from the cable and
> connections, even if the pacecar is very good.  I don't know it it
> would be audible, but to me it seems like much better practice to do
> jitter reduction as close to the dac as possible.  And given that the
> basic pacecar model is more expensive than a Benchmark, I really don't
> get it...  but to each his own.

Well, there are lots of positive and negative reviews of the Benchmark,
Lavry and also the PS Audio DLIII.  It's hard to tell the difference
between fact and fiction.  I hear conflicting opinions on all fo them.

I have read the various threads involving this.  Interestingly, nobody
questions the sound quality of the Lavry.  And it's not clear that the
parts actually do nothing.  But, I don't understand most of what is
being discussed.  Too technical for me.

I don't want to start trying DAC after DAC only to find out I don't dig
the sound or the jitter reduction isn't all it's cracked up to be.  I
certainly won't settle for a DAC that has great jitter reduction but
who's sound I don't like.  The whole point is to equal or beat my
CEC/CIAudio combo, while keeping the overal sound character similar.

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