DeVerm;338770 Wrote: 
> You're missing something here: transcoding is something you don't -need-
> with analog, it's just to deal with nasty digital stuff like
> sample-rates.

What I meant was that one could store the masters in (say) 24/96, and
transcode them to redbook, or to mp3 for a portable device, or to any
other format very easily.  It's just much, much easier to manipulate
digital information (because computers are digital).  It's also much
safer and easier to store. 

>  There are no samples in analog, you get it all not just "some" samples
> ;-)

No - that's a myth.  It's just not true.  You're arguing with Claude
Shannon here, not me...  

According to Shannon-Harley, the information capacity of an -analogue-
channel, -in bits/second-, is C = B log_2 (1 + S/N), B the bandwidth in
Hertz, S/N the signal/noise (assuming Gaussian noise).  That means that
for any given analogue medium, there is a minimum number of bits/s a
digital stream would need in order to carry *-all-* the information in
that analogue medium.  If the digital stream had a larger C, it could
carry -more- data.

>  Same for storage: media is the culprit, not the analog techniques. 

I don't agree.  Digital formats are inherently much easier to store,
manipulate, and copy.

> Noise in an analog channel doesn't limit it's capacity but it will mask
> part of it's content.

Not so.  See above.

> Yes, bandwidth limit obviously limits it's content. Do you know that the
> studio-recorders they used -before- CD's were invented went all the way
> up to 100 kHz? That's 5x the 16/44 you listen to now! 

But 16/44 is rarely if ever used in the studio, at least as far as I

> Yes, I have the Caol... hard to find isn't it? I even have the 21 yr
> Springbank.... I tried the 12 yr Bowmore (I think it was 12 yr but
> might've been 15 yr) and it was nothing compared to the 18 yr old. So
> if you never had that: get it! My wife's favorite is the 15 yr Glenn
> Farclas.

I'll try the 18-year Bowmore - I don't think I've ever had it.  Thanks!

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