androidtopp;345658 Wrote: 
> Themis - check one of my previous posts - according to Andy, when using
> wired, the wireless radio gets disabled.
> wilgartw - increasing bit rate has nothing to do with overcoming packet
> loss. The connection to SC is over TCP, so any discarded/malformed/not
> recieved packets get re-requested. Eventually all the data will get
> there. The question is just how long it takes. If his wireless is
> unreliable, then higher data rates means a higher likelihood that
> enough data packets get lost to cause the buffer to empty and the sound
> to stop. Packet loss won't make it sound worse (as in, less clear,
> muddier, not as bright, etc, etc), unless you count no sound at all as
> "worse."
> The claim is that somehow, wireless makes the quality of sound worse
> than wired. As both media types use the same guaranteed traffic method,
> we're (or, at least I am) assuming 100% data delivery that's "different
> sounding" when recieved wired vs. wireless.
> If he's using FLAC wired and MP3 wireless - I would say, yeah, there's
> a difference. But that's not an apples to apples comparison. And plenty
> of people (myself included) stream FLAC over wireless. So it can be
> done.

yes, that was my understanding.  but surely if less kbps then less
traffic, so less likely to get a packet lost, and more bandwidth
available to catch up...

otherwise why would the option to reduse the kbps be there?

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