Themis wrote:
> These are awful news, Pat. I didn't realize the situation was so
> desperate... :(

Yeah, its really sad. Its true that CD sales have been crushed.
Whether that is due to piracy or crappy acts is hard to tell. But the
revenue drain is terrible.

The record labels have always been a bit of a ponzi scheme, or if you
prefer, a VC fund. They invest in a bunch of groups, most do nothing,
and a few are Led Zepplin. But without the money from the big groups,
there is no money to support the little ones.

The RIAA does not represent the recording industry. They represent the
big five labels. Period.

But when there is a big squeeze, everyone from artists, session
musicians, recording engineers, studio owners, etc. get crushed.

Except for a handful of studios (Apple Records, etc.) the only way
studios are paying for the lights is voice overs, books on tape, and a
few cats and dogs.

The only part of the business that has any current upside is vinyl. Most
of that is yet another re-issue of ancient stuff. And its mostly sold to
wacky audiophiles who think $10K is a decent price for a cartridge.

The current The Absolute Sound has a cover story on a turntable that
weighs 600 pounds.

Pat Farrell

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