pfarrell;350879 Wrote: 
> Yeah, its really sad. Its true that CD sales have been crushed.
> Whether that is due to piracy or crappy acts is hard to tell. But the
> revenue drain is terrible.
> The record labels have always been a bit of a ponzi scheme, or if you
> prefer, a VC fund. They invest in a bunch of groups, most do nothing,
> and a few are Led Zepplin. But without the money from the big groups,
> there is no money to support the little ones.
> The RIAA does not represent the recording industry. They represent the
> big five labels. Period.
> But when there is a big squeeze, everyone from artists, session
> musicians, recording engineers, studio owners, etc. get crushed.
> Except for a handful of studios (Apple Records, etc.) the only way
> studios are paying for the lights is voice overs, books on tape, and a
> few cats and dogs.
> The only part of the business that has any current upside is vinyl.
> Most
> of that is yet another re-issue of ancient stuff. And its mostly sold
> to
> wacky audiophiles who think $10K is a decent price for a cartridge.
> The current The Absolute Sound has a cover story on a turntable that
> weighs 600 pounds.
> Perhaps I'm a bit hi-jacking this thread, I apologize, but there MUST be
a solution, isn't it ? I mean, this is not a -production- model problem,
groups and musicians are as talented today as they were -say- 30 years
ago, studios are at least as good (at least I think) so... what is left
? The commercial business model and the customers. Is there a severe
inadequation between them ? 
Looking around me, people who like music still continue buying records.
The others don't, but they never did anyway. 
Perhaps the RIAA model, the way you describe it, is dead ? Is the
industry prepared to survive without it, according to you ?


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