Well, since we're in the audiophile forum here we go... The A5's are not
audiophile, and not so by far. Why so? Because they don't possess any
audiophile characteristics. They fail miserably on stuff like clarity,
imaging, centering, precision, freqnency response, tightness in bass
etc. Well OK, they can play loud, but only for short periods of time
before the thermal protection kicks in. 

What they are is a competitive compromise. They relatively pleasant to
listen to, being a one, OK two box, solution they are quite compact,
they're not that ugly, they're not that expensive, and they can play
loud and in doing so poor out plenty of bass. 

However if your going for audiophile you can certainly get better stuff
for about the same money. One way to do this is to sacrifice some of the
ompf and pure spl. That will put you in the marked for something like
the smallest Fostex which are more audiophile, but in many ways not as
impressive. Or you could go for something used. For that kind of money
you could get some OK bookshelf speakers and an integrated amp which
would easily dance around the table with the A5's. Of course its not as
compact and used gear in that price range may have some bumps and
scratches, but it'll sound better for sure. Or you could get some used
active speakers, but where I live those don't seem to come up very

My 2c etc.

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