Listener;356210 Wrote: 
> We touched a nerve for bhaagensen.  We seemed to have blasphemed by
> using the word audiophile in vain.

Not at all, I'm just trying to provide some advice for the OP who wants
good room filling speakers in the price range of the A5. If that is the
goal, the A5's are not best choice.

> A pair of "big floorstanders" for $ 86 is not likely to have rigid
> cabinets free of audible resonances.  If your budget is quite limited,
> stick with physically small speakers; it is much easier to get an
> acceptably rigid cabinet when the walls are not large in size.

No arguing that. I guess if you're not familiar with Dali, then there
is nothing I can do to convince you that they way better than the A5's.
But I urge you to check out the second hand market for speakers you
might now and like with 5-10 years on their back. You might be
surprised at what you can get: Whardales, B&W, Dynaudio, Dali, etc. are
dirt cheap. 

> The A5s have very well built cabinets.  When you rap them with your
> knuckles, you don't hear ringing or any flexing in the side walls of
> the cabinet.  

That's a flawed argument. Yes, if they do shake and rattle they're
probably pretty bad. However the opposite case does not give any
guarentees about the sound. Of course the manufacturers are aware of
this pseudo argument and can easily build cabinents which are sturdy
and passes the knuckle test; even I can (almost) do that.

> the A5s are still very enjoyable to listen to.

I never said they weren' t. I think I used the wording "pleasant"

> bhaagensen's $ 86 audiophile speakers.

I never mentioned the word audiophile in relation to the Dali's. And
FYI they retailed at ~600USD 6 years ago. 

OP: If you go ahead and get the A5's I'm sure you might be happy with
them. However if you are willing to spend some time and energy
listening to systems consisting of an integrated amp + speakers with
about 5-10 years on their back, then I am convinced that you can find
something that sounds much better than the A5.

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