mswlogo;375776 Wrote: 
> There is a related discussion here
> (See bullet #7) about A/B testing (on subtle differences) which claims
> it's extremely difficult because of how the brain works.

Can I quote from the original: "In Bob's opinion, double-blind
listening tests are useful for a limited set certain psycho-acoustic
research areas, but generally are not appropriate for comparisons of
different equipment. The problem is that the human brain does not
respond in the same way to a repeated identical audio impulse.
Meridian, apparently, have learnt how to perform such comparisons and,
if I understood correctly, it involves learning (training the brain)
what a test audio sample sounds like through repetitive listening so
that comparisons are possible. Just listening to music will not work."

If you believe the problem is -AB using repetitive sound clips- then
why draw a conclusion about sighted versus double-blind? This problem
is presumably just as acute for sighted AB tests using repetitive

What about a double blind test where you swap between A and B whenever
you feel like. Sometimes you listen to the same clip again and again
and sometimes you listen to whole albums before switching sources. You
listen to whatever takes your fancy, mostly "reference tracks" but
throwing in some unknowns. Sometimes you listen intently and sometimes
you do other things and listen in the background, suddenly becoming
conscious of the sound at particularly impressive moments. Change the
volume level at any time you're digging the music! At the end of this
long process make a simple judgment as to whether A or B is superior or
they are the same. This blind test, presumably, would have so many holes
picked in it it would look like swiss cheese in five minutes!

Yet this is the typical sighted listening methodology and most people
are _quite_happy_to_draw_fast_conclusions_from_it_.

But I say if you're going to be nit-picker have the decency to nit-pick
consistently. ;)


SB3 / Inguz -> Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system
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