pablolie;360411 Wrote: 
> I was asked by a number of people to put together a "Dummy Guide" to
> digital music, and also happen to know the people that publish the
> official series. I am interested to see if this very knowledgable forum
> has a few people willing to collaboratively put this together and
> co-author it, since the collective knowledge here is quite amazing (and
> superior to mine in many areas). If there are replies to this, I shall
> put together a collaborative work environment (webex connect if that
> works for everybody) and tell people how to access it in this very
> thread.

I'd rate Skunk's posts as some of the most helpful in this forum.  He
can explain hi-fi fi-tech to a dolt like me, so if he's got the time
I'd take advantage of him.  Heck, I may even buy the book.


SB3 (x2) and Transporter
Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio VDA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's
AKG K501
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