NaimSqueezer;401754 Wrote: 
> Hello fellows, greetings from crumbling germany,
> I just bought a SBC. A few remarks:
> First, the SBC power supply generates a voltage of 15,xx versus
> ground.
> I grounded it on recommendation of the Hifi dealer, because the
> amplifier itself by intended design wasn't grounded on connectors.
> So far, by doing so I got rid of the significant hum the SBC created
> before.
> Second, people here are discussing power supplys. Why not trying
> the best supply first? That is, four (four, not more. And no
> non-rechargable batteries please...) NIMHs. 
> This provides 5,6 Volts unconnected, and ~5,0 Volts connected - Voltage
> sinking slowly.
> I tried that, and for now, the SBC didn't explode. The SBC starts at
> 5,10 and stops working at 4,30-4,20 Volts here. 
> It sucks up 700 up to 900 milliamps (0,7 to 0,9 Amps), depending on
> display brightness. The current varies slightly all time.
> So if you try NIMHs first, you can easily test wether this or that
> superior power supply will make a difference for sound quality.
> If you got some spare time, you may play around with an adittional fast
> fuse (probably 1,x to 2,0 amps), and some condensers.for 
> even smoother current, if possible at all. I doubt there is any
> considerable noise in NIMH voltage.
> Dont forget: The plug must be + inside, and - outside.
> And yes, i think it sounds better, smoother, fuller, but hear yourself
> wether this is true. Whatever, i doubt an expensive supply 
> will cut the mustard, so a reasonable priced one should do. Check the
> remaining ripple voltage, should be lowest, probably 10-25mV, 
> not more. Dont know wether adding some condensers to the supply will
> help. maybe even that
> can tweak the standard supply, but beforehand make sure supply's
> voltage (5,10 Volts here)doesnt rise from that.

Hello and welcome to the Forums. I am assuming that by SBC you mean SB
Classic, not SB Controller. Most of us use SB3 for the short of SB
Classic or call it Classic. Most use SBC and SBR to mean Controller and
Receiver of the Duet.

Speaking of the SB3 (Classic), Phil has tested many power supplies as I
have. I have even used gel, dry, and wet batteries. The test results
were the same every time no matter which type of proper Power Source
was used when testing with the audio testing software mentioned in this
thread. In listening tests, I heard no differences. One advantage to the
6 volt battery is no possible ground loops. But it is just as easy to
find the problem causing the ground loop and eliminate it.

Most of these finding are in this thread and it might be helpful to
browse back through the whole thread.

Again welcome and enjoy your Squeezebox!


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: SB3, GFR-700HD, Thiel 2.3, Second Boom
Home Office: SB3, NAD C370, two VSM-1
Home Gym: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, Thiel PowerPoint 1.2
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5
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