Caleb --

Thanks for the interesting post.  I put Floyd Toole's book on my amazon
wish list.

>From a implementation standpoint, I took away two things:

1) At least two subs

2) That, at a minimum, the subs be equalized (< ~100Hz, though <500Hz
would be better).

Now, if I understand correctly, you are suggesting that IIR filters are
better than FIR filters.  I know of three options for doing the sub EQ,
the built-in PEQ in a Velodyne DD-10, or a Behringer DEQ2496, or Inguz.

I assume that the PEQ of the Velodyne EQ & the DEQ2496 are IIR-based? 
(I guess I plug the DEQ2496 into the 'digital loop' of my Transporter?)

With Inguz, aren't there two ways of doing this?  One is to build a
filter from a sweep using DRC (wish I could figure out which DRC
parameter would only apply this to <500Hz).  But this would be a FIR
filter.  The other way is using the EQ function in Inguz.  I'm not quite
sure if this method is FIR or IIR.  Inguz describes it as:

"The InguzDSP EQ filters aren’t like that.  They’re “semi-parametric
linear-phase shelving filters”.  By “semi-parametric” I mean that you
only have two adjustable parameters: frequency and amplitude.  And
“shelving” means that the frequency response in between two adjacent
bands is a gentle (cosine-based) slope." 


The other question I have is about the pros/cons of active vs passive
crossovers for subs?



Transporter via XLR->Bryston BP26DA->Bryston 4B SST->Wilson Watt Puppy
Transporter via XLR->Headroom Max Balanced Headphone Amp->Balanced
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