cmarin;473482 Wrote: 
> For what it's worth, I find the Transporter to be an excellent server
> and use it to send its digital output to an outboard dac. My own model
> is a modwright transporter with a wonderful tube/analog output section.
> If it could handle 24/192 files, IMHO it would be an excellent
> alternative to other high resolution music server solutions that are
> being proposed. That is all. 

Please don't take offence, I'm not trying to trip you up, but you do
know that by using the digital out on the Transporter, you are bypassing
all the cool stuff that the Modwright is there to do, right?

FWIW, I'll hopefully be going down the Modwright path myself shortly. 
And I think 24/192 would be a nice to have future development.


Transporter >> Kondo M7 >>Art Audio Quintet, Border Patrol PS >> Living
Voice IBX/R2
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