Only you can answer that, of course, but I hope this may help:

Squeezeboxes don't allow FF and RW in ALAC. They do allow it for .wav, .aiff, 
and .flac. ALAC is therefore not as flexible for SB as .aiff (or the others), 
although of course it is great for iTunes and iPods, and for keeping storage 
space down while using lossless files.

I therefore myself use .aiff for Squeezeboxes (played through two systems, one 
purely Quad, one of Quad amps and speakers that I won't mention on an 
audiophile list!); ALAC for my iPod 4th gen; and AAC at 256kbps for the touch 
and the nanos, all catalogued in different iTunes "libraries" . The lossless 
files are stored on a 1TB external HD, with an ALAC back up on a second one; 
and the AAC files are on the iMac.

System in all is iMac 3.06Ghz running 10.6.2, using iTunes to rip, tag and 
catalogue, playback using one SB2 and one Classic, and - between the family - 
iPods 4th gen, Touch and Nano.

What ripping/tagging/cataloguing software do you use? That is also a big 
factor, of course.

My suggestion would be that for SB on a Mac you actually go the other way, and 
change from ALAC and WAV to AIFF. But chacun à son goût, as they say in 

On 16 Dec 2009, at 22:15, kphinney wrote:

> SIDE QUESTION - Should I change WAV and AIFF to ALAC?

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