For what it's worth, I don't even find it that distracting, unless the
noise level is really high. Analog noise is generally easy to ignore. 

Maybe that's because I'm so used to vinyl, which is what I listen to
most of the time. I'd MUCH rather listen to an original pressing of some
old jazz album, with even a good deal of surface noise, than listen to a
pristine recent pressing. You just lose so much resolution due to tape


SqueezeboxServer on a 350MHz Pentium II running Centos 5.x with 1.5TB
Transporter --> Adcom GDA-600 --> Pass Labs B1 (DIY) --> Adcom GFA-5800
--> Thiel CS 1.6s
Transporter --> Pass Labs D1 --> Pass Labs Aleph 2s --> Thiel CS 1.6s
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