I have an older SanDisk Sansa model (e260), which plays FLAC after
reflashing the firmware with Rockbox (www.rockbox.org). This is
something that SanDisk actually supports, unlike many manufacturers. I
have been happy with it, and I suspect the Sansa Clip is as good or
better. Rockbox works on a lot of players, so even if a player you like
doesn't support FLAC or Ogg out of the box, it may be possible to
reflash the firmware with Rockbox.

If you plan to load your portable with FLAC you may want to consider a
hard drive based player instead of a flash player. If you get an 8GB
Sansa Clip and add an 8GB SDHC card (8GB being the current sweetspot for
price/capacity of micro-SDHC cards), that's 16GB, or about 40-50 CDs.
That may be fine for you, but you may find it limiting, and get tired of
not having that CD you want to listen to just then. Or tired of swapping
files on and off the device. Of course, carrying multiple SDHC cards and
swapping them in and out is another possibility.

That said, if you go for a hard drive player the battery usually runs
down a lot faster with FLAC than with MP3. Whether it is more constant
drive access or more CPU cycles to decode I don't know, but that's what
I've generally seen reported. 

Personally I don't imagine I'd ever put FLACs on a portable player
because I doubt I could tell the difference between lossless and high
bitrate MP3 in a noisy environment like a plane, train, etc. If you want
to have a chance of hearing the difference definitely get some good
noise isolation earphones like the ER4.

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