Shredder;527444 Wrote: 
> I ran my TP straight to power w/no pre for 2 years. Because I used
> balanced outputs, I needed to use an attenuator (Endler stepped was
> excellent) to control the gain. Worked very well, although I eventually
> added a really nice pre and it sounded even better.
> Anyway, yes, it is easy to switch to the digital inputs. Scroll through
> the menu to digital inputs, hit select, scroll through menu to pick
> desired input (whichever input to which you have connected your cd
> player), and hit select. That's it. Easy as pie.
> TP is highly recommended. High WAF for me as it allowed me to get rid
> of our thousands of cd cases.

I also plan to use the balanced outputs. I think I read somewhere that
there are already attenuators on the board. But you need to open the
case of the transporter to access the switches (am I right about

The selection of the input sounds easy. Is there a way to make it a
single key press? Like setting a favorite or so?

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