thanks - will try the Rothwells for a start.

I can't thank you guys enough - I have moved closer to hifi nirvana in
the last week than I have in the last 2 years.

Now - for the final tweak I really need to master the Tact. I've been
using the beta PC software for the last year (using the "quick set up"
feature) and I've found it pretty good. As far as I can see, no major
steps are missed. The only point I've seen on other forums is to make
the the filter peaks at 0db - yet I can only find a tool to shift the
target curve up or down (or am I being dump, and this will achieve the
same thing).

Also - if I'm placing the microphone for different listening positions
closer or further away from the speaker, does the software adjust the
mic gain accordingly?

Are there any good online guides (other than the Tact site) or forum
threads to get the most out of the Tact RCS?

As I said - so far, what I've learnt from you all has been invaluable
(even the wife can hear the difference) - I'm just looking to make sure
no stone is left unturned.

By the way, as a small contribution to your thoughts, can I suggest you
give the PS Audio Power Plant Regenerator a go? I've tried various
passive power supply filters in the past to little avail. This thing is
just beautiful - especially given the poor power we get fed in London
with noticeable harmonic distortion. Give them a call and at least test
it for a couple of weeks - I was EXTREMELY suspicious, but it totally
suprised me.

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