snarlydwarf;530004 Wrote: 
> The catch is those graphs are not comparing "digital to analog" ...
> there is no analog source depicted for comparison: you are left to fill
> out the ideal curves in your head.  Believing those ideal curves are
> representative of how an analog source would display, however, is an
> error.
> All they show is that digital is an approximation and at enough of a
> 'zoom level' you can see the edges of the line.
> So what?  Zoom in that close on a real world analog signal (which
> medium?  Vinyl isn't the only analog medium) and you will see
> distortion.
> It's not even a question of "is it audible", it's a question of
> implying that analog sources somehow make a magical sine wave with no
> distortiona at all, which is plain and simply not true.

I was not talking about graphs, that was my pure listening experience.
In ideal world, I would simply have turntable for older recordings
(like Miles Davis, Coltrane, etc.)

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