Phil Leigh;542026 Wrote: 
> This is so true. Does anyone really think engineers/producers sit there
> in studios, staring at banks of digital faders (real or virtual or
> both) and think "hmmm, better not touch any of those in case the sound
> falls apart.."
> No they don't. They mix/master the tracks!
> Clive is right, this thing is so silly.

Your damn right they do. Or the software/hardware they use does a lot
for them. The Meridian 518 was an early device used by mixers to dial
the gain in among other things. I've looked at a bunch of CD's with
Audacity and the pristine ones always take full advantage of all the
dynamic range and have just an itty bit of clipping. Good CD's never
throw bits away. Where poorly mixed CD's are over attenuated (to much
headroom 6,9,12dB). They don't sound bad but those are never the great
sounding ones. And other poor ones are of course the way over
compressed ones and not taking advantage of the lower bits.

In fact here is the Meridian 518 Manual that discusses this very

See page 19.

The 518 allows you to "tweak" the Digital Gain (of each "Piece" [an
album]) to Maximize the performance of your DAC (NOT for LOUDNESS,
sorry if you don't get that, if you don't, stop reading and move on).
That's why they call it "Secondary Gain". The system also has a
"Primary Gain" which is ANALOG. We are talking SMALL digital changes
here to optimize performance. Not -20dB which would totally butcher
things. You'd typically use a 518 to boost an album to "Full Scale"
(what they refer to as "Full Digital Code").

If anything you'd want to go ABOVE 0 on the Transporter if an album is
not mixed full scale. That's basically what a 518 does. You'd never
want to attenuate unless you doing some sort of mixing.

But what does Meridian know about digital stuff.


XP > Cat5 > Transporter/DuetController > SPDIF > Meridian G68 > DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP > Cat5 > SB3 > SPDIF > Meridian DSP5000
XP > Cat5 > DuetReceiver > SPDIF > Meridian G91 > DSP5000

'My Transporter Setup'
'Hitch Hikers Guide to Meridian' (
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