johannes;543568 Wrote: 
> Hi there,
> i have a problem. I crashed my new amp (creek). i just have a sb3
> classic with a creek destiny. The destiny crashed after two hours. Then
> we tried it again with a diffent device (creek destiny) the new device
> crashed also. Now..The advice was to lower the output signal of my SB,
> because it seems that the SB analog output signal shoots some ugly
> signals out..that may harm the preamp-input of the creek destiny.

What do you mean by "crashed" your amp? Is it physically burnt out or
non-operational and needs repair?

Or is it just not functioning correctly and needs to be powered down
and restarted (as one might think of a computer crash)? 

Or does it mean something else?

I've had a SB3 for several years and used a variety of amps and never
had a problem. I know of no "ugly signals" - if the signal is truly
distorted, then reducing volume is not a fix. 

It is possible the SB3 is bad. The solution there would be to try a
different source with the amp (such as a CD player, tuner, etc.) and
see if the issue repeats.

Also, your issue has virtually nothing to do with this thread. I'd
suggest you start a new one that is specific to your issue.

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