On 06/22/2010 02:23 PM, michael123 wrote:
> Anyway, most, if not all DAC chips, are now 32bit. Maybe nobody needs
> it now..

Nobody needs it now, and nobody will need it in the future.
There simply is not 32 bits of data in audio. something like 20 bits is 
all that equipment can detect, and 16 bits is not far from all that 
humans can detect.

> As for 192/24, most of LINN classical high-res catalog is now going as
> 192/24.

Pure marketing fluff. Linn is famous for it. 88.2 makes a lot of sense. 
I'll accept that 96 kHz makes some sense. But there is simply no there 
above that. The rest is marketing

> BTW, I see some benefit when transport works as 32bit, it is more
> appropriate when fed by computer. Eliminates conversion.

There is no conversion. PCM data is integer data. You just truncate it.
Zero conversion at all. Again, pure 100% marketing hype.

They are not changing the physics.

Pat Farrell

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